Sherani Postal Zip Codes
The Postcode of Sherani and Places which are in its area Given Below.
Appozai 85201
Ashewat 85201
Chashma Norozai Khan
Gidar Pur 21361
Hari Chand 24520
Killi Habib 85201
Kul Kach 85201
Mani Khawa 85201
Murad Pur 21360
Qalandar 85201
Sambaza 85201
Shegaloo 85201
Sherani 43461
Shiger 85201
Sim Zai 85201
Sherani is a District in Balochistan Pakistan. The Above codes is correct to send you important things to Right Place and on time by Using the Right Postcode. Correct Using of Code to send your Courier or for Any Documentation Purpose Either Online Form Filling or By Postal Email Result Immediate Delivery to your Destination. Use Carefully the Exact zip code to send Courier or Other Purposes.